Friday, October 3, 2008

It has begun...

Happy 40th birthday Randel...well almost!!  As you read this you may wonder what is going on and why your homepage has been changed.  Well, your homepage will be changed for the next 40 days, you see, because you have just begun a 40 day journey that will ultimately lead you to the greatest day the world has ever known...the birthday of Randel Leigh  Miltiades.  

As you know, in our culture, a 40th birthday is a day of sadness and mortality because it marks the supposed half-way point for our lives on earth.  And you and I both know you are NOT excited about your 40th as it has this feel of being a cup half empty type of day.  But as your husband who everyday celebrates your influence on the life of our girls and my own life, I am not content to let you fall into our cultures web of 4oth despair.  Today is the beginning of the 40 day celebration! 

Every morning for the next 40 days there will be a new blog post that will give directions on how to take part in your celebration.  Now, as your mind starts wondering about the practicalities of how this will work and how in the world we can pay for all this on the measly pastors salary I am making we must set a few ground rules:

1) You cannot ask me how much anything costs or bring up money in any form or fashion during the 40 days...SERIOUSLY!
2) Don't worry I will not go overboard on anything.
3) I will be paying our American Express bill for the next two months and you will not go find out how much I payed for anything.
4) You must do everything I tell you to do in the questions asked.
5) You must enjoy receiving during this 40 days and not worry about money
6) Do you see that I am serious about the money thing!!
7) I have the power to add more rules during the 40 day period!!

So with those few ground rules now stated, let the celebration begin.  

For your first celebratory moment go outside, (after you put clothes on please.  Who wants the neighborhood lusting after my hot, 40 year old wife,) go to the mailbox and open it up.  Inside awaits the beginning of your celebration.  


Your Lover


Chip B said...

Dude ... you're raising the bar WAY up. Bravo!

steve and randel hambrick said...


Writeaway said...

Now THIS is thoughtful! Anything that takes thinking ahead and planning is usually way out of the box for most husbands, so I'm impressed. It's usually, "Uh oh, her birthday is tomorrow. Where am I going to take her to dinner?" HA! Can't wait to follow the fun!

ManUtd17 said...

Nice work Steve.

Woodard Gang said...

Wow! I am crying with you Randel! Looking forward to see what's in store for your 40th celebration!

Tammy Ma said...

well done Steve, well done.

The Maddron's said...

This is so wonderful - what a blessing! I just signed up to be a "follower". I can't wait to see what Steve does next. Wow, I must say that Steve has totally made this hard for every husband out there whose wife is turning 40!!! Way to go STEVE-O

Carla said...

You two never cease to amaze me! Steve... you the man! Randel... it's true your life is worth celebrating! I love you two!!

carolineb said...

What was in the mailbox?!

steve and randel hambrick said...

in the mailbox was a "randel's 40th birthday celebration journal"...

on the first page was a letter and a starbucks gift card insisting i go get a caramal frappacino :)

Unknown said...

hahaha!!! Steve! you are the man!

julie and joe said...

I love it.....Randel, you are definitely worth celebrating..and steve, you rock!!
love you both:)

AnnieBlogs said...

Steve. To you I say, "booyah". Well played.

Lindsay Blake said...

not going to lie, this is borderline rockstar-ish. can't wait to hear how great the 40 days... it's like a 40 day fast but backwards. instead of fasting you are receiving. right on!

Anonymous said...

Steve gets the award for Husband of the Year! And Randel, you are one lucky girl - ENJOY!!!

mama sass said...

See!! Aren't you glad I told you to say yes to this boy???