Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day 3

Day three is here and it is the day I leave for the weekend leaving you alone with the kids.  Anyone with kids knows that weekends like this have the recipe for disaster written all over them as you have lost fifty percent of your ability to keep your eyes on the quickest little boogers in the world.  One minute they're sitting there nicely eating their breakfast and one second later, the second it took for you to bend down and pick up a stray cheerio, they have their oatmeal all over their face and in their hair just looking to see how you will respond to this new game they have created. (Can I get and amen from the gallery!!)

Randel this is one of the reasons why I love you.  In all of our years together you have never once made me feel guilty for leaving on a trip and have only been encouraging as I go.  You truly do have my best interest in mind and understand that I need time to myself, away from the kids, away from the commitments of Mr. Domestic, even if it means a meltdown in the home with two wild little crazy's running around.  

But you need to know I never cherish the thought of you being one hand down.  As much as I appreciate the "freedom," I am still very aware of you being alone with the kids and I always wish I could help especially when I call home and it sounds like WWIII has broken out.  With that in mind I am leaving a special little something that will make this weekend a little more bearable.  

The journal is on piece of furniture next to the front door.  Have a great weekend and I love you!



1 comment:

steve and randel hambrick said...

the journal directed me to today's gift of a basket with pampering items-- candles, a spa pampering kit, a bath pillow, and bottle of wine.
whooohooo! can't wait til the girls go to bed! :)