The thing about this story that keeps it being told over and over again is that in the minds of the people around here it just kind of defines who they have always believed you to be. You are the girl who is always a little edgy, unafraid to try anything once and fearless in all she does. I really like this about you!!
You are a natural born leader and sometimes, in the male dominated culture in which we live, this trait is looked down upon. Some people don't like women who speak their mind because they believe women should be quiet and submissive, seen but not heard. Well, if they meet you then they sure aren't going to like you. But don't worry...I won't like them!!
Randel you are a little fire ball. You are a little dangerous. And I like that because you make life fun. Tom loves telling that story because he recognized that you were not a person who could stuck in little religious box. He knew a box could not contain you and I believe he loved and respected you for it. I know I do.
I love you,
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